Training Courses For Nurses And Care Workers

All agency staff registered with Nursing Services of South Africa can now sign up for bespoke online training courses at discounted prices. 

The 41 online training courses available for less than R200 will allow agency staff to learn more skills for various shifts and higher earnings.  

Which training courses for nurses and care workers do we provide?

  1. SEPSIS Awareness 

  2. Manual Handling & Moving of People & Inanimate Objects (ON_LINE) Level 1&2 

  3. Infection Prevention and Control Level 1&2 includes COVID 

  4. COVID Awareness 

  5. CPR & Basic Life Support Online 

  6. Consent 

  7. Complaint Handling 

  8. Communication 

  9. Blood Components Transfusions & IVS 

  10. Preventing Radicalisation L1 & L2 

  11. Nutrition and Fluids 

  12. Health & Safety 

  13. Handling Information & Information Governance (GDPR) 

  14. Fire Safety 

  15. Equality & Diversity 

  16. Duty of Care 

  17. Documentation and record keeping  

  18. Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia & Learning Disability 

  19. NEWS Score Training 

  20. Mental Capacity Act 

  21. Lone Worker 

  22. Food Hygiene & Safety 

  23. Fluid Balance and Vital Signs 

  24. Drug Calculation-Numeracy Skills Test for Nurses 

  25. Dignity and Privacy 

  26. Cybersecurity and Information Security 

  27. CSTF. Counter Fraud 

  28. CSTF. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 

  29. CSTF. Your Health Care Career Clinical/Care staff 

  30. CSTF. Work in a Person-Centred Way 

  31. CSTF. The Safe Handling & Administration of Medication 

  32. CSTF. Safeguarding Children Level 3 

  33. CSTF. Safeguarding Children (Levels 1 & 2) 

  34. CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Levels 1 & 2 (Adult Support & Protection) 

  35. CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Level 3 & 4 

  36. Tissue Viability Training 


  38. Seizures & Epilepsy 

  39. Risk Assessment 

  40. RIDDOR 

  41. PSTS/Conflict Management online training module 

Register for online training = Upskill = More shifts = More earnings